Raising backyard chickens has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. Some advantages to raising chickens are that they are very inexpensive to keep. Raising chickens you will obtain a source of protein in the eggs. These particular chicken eggs are healthier. This is because you will get eggs that are free of hormones and free of antibiotics.

Other advantages to having your own chickens are that they are a source of pest control organically. They also help in disposing of your table scraps. You can give these left over table scraps to your chickens. In turn you will also receive fertilized manure for your garden or yard. Chickens are one of the best controllers of insects that are in your back yard.

You must understand that these birds do fly. They will fly up in trees at night or on top of the roof. They do this for their own safety. To prevent this there are two things that you can do. You can invest in a chicken coop to place them in at night or you can clip their wings. Clipping their wings will keep them grounded where they will not be able to fly.

When it comes to the chicken laying eggs you will notice that the eggs come in different colors and sizes. You can begin to look for eggs from your hen when she is around six months old. Dependent upon the breed the hens can lay eggs more in the first two years after they are six months old. Following the two years they lay eggs less often. You can expect your hen to live anywhere from six to ten years.

To care for your chickens you will need to food, water, a clean coop and a large enough area for them to roam around in. Be sure that the water is always clean so that your chickens can remain healthy. In the winter months you will need to use a heated poultry fountain. Another thing that you will need to do in order to care properly for your chickens is to ensure that they are housed properly. You definitely want to keep the predators away from your chickens.

Finally, in order to raise great backyard chickens you need to invest in the right chickens breed for your purpose. If your space is not very large then you may want to invest in the smaller chickens. If you have plenty of land it may be wise for you to invest in the larger chickens who can lay more eggs. Whatever you choose you need to remember that raising backyard chickens is simple and easy to do.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4652039
